National Bureau of Statistics

The Overall Goals and Objectives of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

  • Collect, compile, analyze and publish all official statistics on economic, social, demographic, environmental and general activities and conditions of the people of South Sudan
  • Conduct all censuses and surveys that are carried out throughout South Sudan
  • Monitor and evaluate social impacts of public policies, projects and programs
  • Monitor the progress of poverty eradication and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, and
  • Establish statistical standards and ensure adherence by all producers of statistics

The Specific Functions of the NBS

The functions of the NBS are spelt out in the Act that established the NBS in January 2004. They include the following:

  • Carry out Censuses and relevant surveys in the South Sudan
  • Promote and develop integrated socio-economic statistics pertaining to South Sudan and each region thereof and co-ordinate plans for the integration of those statistics and keep these plans under review.
  • Establish statistical standards and their use by all producers of statistics so as to facilitate integration and comparison.
  • Co-ordinate statistics and data collection activities so as to avoid duplication ensure economic use of resources and reduce the burden on respondents.
  • Collect, compile, analyses and disseminate statistics and related information on social, economic, demographic and environmental activities.
  • Maintain an inventory of available and relevant information in the South Sudan.
  • Assist users of statistical information in obtaining international statistics and information.
  • Provide statistical, monitoring and evaluation services and professional assistance to official bodies, civil society, researchers and international institutions and the public in general.
  • Provide the contact point for international organizations and researchers in need of statistics and information on the South Sudan.
  • Act as a contact point for international organizations and foreign institutions in the need of statistics on matters relating to South Sudan.

Visit: National Bureau of Statistics